After months of work is now on line the new site . And like all projects that arise should thank some friends who have helped us. First of all Paola Lambardi ( ) that the implementation has been our eyes out, then Claudio Riceputi ( ) for technical support; Liana Cavallaro ( www.studiodopo . it) a friend and colleague who has made a hilarious video of the backstage photos. Thanks to Nancy Coste ( ) for photos of studio and office boys for working stock. Many thanks to Fabio earthworms ( ) Andrea Martiradonna ( ) and Jonathan Xerra ( www.gionataxerra.i t) over the years have photographed our work.
Finally a big thanks to the house as a great friend of Septimus Benedusi Papi ( ) for the beautiful portrait that has given me.
The site is clear enough. You do not need special maps for navigation. It 's a story in pictures of the work we do. The Achievements section tells projects in detail, while in ' Stock is a list of all the work.
The website section News and organized by Marco Vincenzi, collect comments and news on the business instead of our study but not only. It will also be a very small window where, in our point of view, tell the things that happen out there.
Frello Paul (May 2008)
After months hard work it is finally online the new web site . And as for all the projects that come to life, it is appropriate to thank some friends for their contribution.
First of all Paola Lambardi ( ) who by now is fed up with our projects;
Claudio Riceputi ( ) for his technical support, Liana Cavallaro ( ), friend and collegue, who has made the amusing video on the backstage during photos shooting. Thanks to Nancy Coste ( ) for the photographs and to the team mates of our office for the archive work. Thanks to Fabio Lombrici ( ) Andrea Martiradonna ( ) and Gionata Xerra ( ) who have been taken pictures to our projects over the years.
At last a thankfulness as huge as a house to my great friend Settimio Papi Benedusi ( ) for the wonderful portrait he offered me.
The web site is pretty clear. You do not need any particular map to surf on it. It is a story through images of the works we undertake. The Realizations Section reports the projects in detail, while the Archive collects the list of all the works.
The News Section, by Marco Vincenzi, gathers comments and reports on our job activities, but not only. It is also a little window through which we sketch outside happenings, according to our point of view.
Paolo Frello (May 2008)