Monday, October 11, 2010

Letter With Adonation Check To The Church

the first to have left the nest and sisters (whether female or whether they will prove to be male) was the No. 9, officially became Momo. He found a home in the province of rabbits in a cage full of straw, with a dog that sees her through the bars. For now only eats fresh radicchio (another that is "scrubbed" his masters molding them according to his wishes). On this
I got to thinking about the spots I was convinced to have some sort of 2 in 1 is not the case, then, unless there is indeed a complete solution, it will spotlight two to me: a hot ("spot" ) and will make the light, uvb to fix a football (otherwise provide a balanced diet is useless). From
veterinary instead received a reprimand: the bark of pine / fir is toxic. No bark, correct now!
Another pair hand, if all goes well, during the month of October.
I am a bit 'puzzled by the silence of others who have involved (I avoided the "fuori-provincia/regione" because I first a comparison with the forest, where should I go during the week). I do not mind follow the growth, it is always a great experience. I doubt that there is instead is a rethinking, in which case I should be informed early before the practices are done and the appropriate payment is required (yes, it takes more, but ...).


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